Marseille with a Greeter!
Marseille with a Greeter!
Marseille with a Greeter!

Welcome to authentic Marseille

Our Greeters treat visitors to an insider’s tour of “their” city.
Say goodbye to clichés and hello to the one and only authentic Marseille!
What better way to get to know a city than to spend time with the people who live there?

 Anecdotes, history and legends… Did a sardine really jam up Marseille’s Old Port? Does the Mistral quarter actually exist? Does genuine Savon de Marseille make bubbles? Should you ever trust a seagull?

Get a whole new angle on Marseille with a Greeters walk!

Our specialist-interest walks

Marseille off the beaten track

Whether you’re a fan of culture, history, architecture, tasty food or local pastaga*, we’ve got the right walk for you. And we promise it’ll knock your socks off!

Our Greeters love chatting, telling all kinds of anecdotes and sharing their top addresses with you during your walk.

Guess what? Even Time Magazine rated Marseille
among the 50 must-see destinations in 2022. No kidding!


Our walks


Our walks


Our walks


Nos balades

Sites Naturels

Nos balades

Marseille historique

Nos balades

Vallon des Auffres

What people say about us


The walk was fantastic, I felt so happy all morning. Max’s route was filled with surprises: a succession of gorgeous, little-known streets and addresses off the beaten track – I would never have found them without him. The explanations and anecdotes were plentiful too… Max knows Marseille like the back of his hand!! Emilie

Donate to the Greeters

Marseille Provence Greeters is a non-profit association based on voluntary work. We rely on public and private donations and aids to operate.

If you enjoyed your walk with a Marseille Provence Greeters volunteer, please support us and help us develop the Greeters concept worldwide.


How to make a donation?

– Secure online donations via PayPalSimply click on the piggy (sardine) bank
You don’t need to have a PayPal account – all you need is a credit card to use the service. Specify the amount of the donation then click on PayPal or credit card according to your preference.

– By cheque made out to Marseille Provence Greeters (French donations only) or bank transferPlease contact us.

– You can also make a donation via your Greeter straight after your walk. They will make sure it reaches the association.

We will email you a receipt for your donation.

Faire un don aux greeters

Marseille Provence Greeters est une association à but non lucratif basée sur le bénévolat. Des aides et des dons publics et privés sont nécessaires pour assurer son fonctionnement.

Si tu as été satisfait de ta balade avec un bénévole de Marseille Provence Greeters, n’hésite pas à nous soutenir et nous aider à développer notre activité,  le concept dans le monde entier.


Comment faire un don ?

– Don ‘online’ sécurisé en utilisant le service Paypal : Cliquer sur la tirelire
vous n’avez pas besoin d’avoir un compte Paypal, votre carte bancaire suffit pour utiliser ce service. Donnez d’abord le montant puis cliquez sur Paypal ou CB suivant vos préférences.

– par chèque, à l’ordre de Marseille Provence Greeters (uniquement pour les dons en France) ou virement bancaire, nous contacter.

– Par remise à notre bénévole Greeter directement à l’issue de votre balade.

Pour tout don, un reçu est adressé par email.